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Top 10 Pelvic Health Practitioner Resources on Embodia
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov MSc, HBSc, Content Writer at Embodia ∙ Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Some of the reasons we love pelvic floor physical therapists and rehab pros

Pelvic floor rehab practitioners are amazing! Yes, you over there, reading this between SOAP notes! What you do impacts the lives of so many people. And the research has got your back!

"Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) has robust evidence-based support as a first-line, minimally invasive option to treat pelvic floor dysfunction, including pelvic organ prolapse (POP), fecal or urinary incontinence, peripartum and postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain"
(Wallace, Miller and Mishra, 2019).

According to a 2018 Cochrane review: 

  • Women receiving PFPT were 8 times more likely to report cessation of symptoms or improvement than women in the placebo, sham, or no-treatment groups. 
  • Women who underwent PFPT had fewer leakage episodes in 24 hours than women without treatment.
  • Patients who performed antenatal PFPT compared with those who had no PFPT had a lower risk of urinary incontinence in late pregnancy and a lower risk of urinary incontinence 3–6 months postpartum. 

(Wallace, Miller and Mishra, 2019).

And that's just one review!

There is a large, growing body of evidence out there to support your work! What is often lacking though are the resources to support you.

As healthcare practitioners ourselves, we saw that need and made one platform with all the things pelvic, just for you. In this blog, we outline our top 10 pelvic health practitioner resources available on Embodia. 


Each of the above items is outlined below in greater detail! Read the whole blog, or jump to your section of interest. The numbers in the above infographic correspond to the sections below.

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1. Digital pelvic body charts

A patient comes into your clinic, gets an intake form, a consent form, and body diagram. Fills out their information, indicates on the body diagram where they feel the pain, hands over all the sheets to your front desk staff, or to you if you are a sole practitioner without admin staff. You squint as you struggle to read the patient's handwriting and break a small sweat as you try to rush through all their forms in time for their appointment. Just thinking about it gives me nightmares. 

A great way to fend off nightmares is to practice positive imagery therapy. Let's try it together!

You book a patient for their appointment. They automatically receive their digital intake form, consent form and digital body diagrams that they can annotate in beautiful colors from their secure patient portal. You easily access these documents as you sip your morning coffee (or tea). You sigh in relief. You leisurely stroll into your practice for the appointment, relaxed, prepared, and happy. Living the dream!

But it doesn't have to be just a dream! Embodia offers the following digital, annotatable body charts, including male and female pelvises. You can even easily upload your own diagrams and allow patients to annotate them.

Body diagrams can be added to questionnaires such as intake forms for patients to fill out, or to your charts, for you to fill out.

Embodia comes pre-loaded with the following 7 body charts, and you can easily add your own:

  • Body chart 
  • Body chart: Anterior thigh
  • Body chart: Female pelvis
  • Body chart: Male pelvis
  • Body chart: Shoulder
  • Body chart: Spine
  • Body chart: Upper backBody diagrams available on Embodia

You can see the body diagrams on a sample chart in our Video Tutorial: Introduction to Charting at the 30-second and 6:15-minute timestamps.

2. Customizable pelvic questionnaires & outcome measures with the option to create your own

For any service you offer, you can choose to automate which consent forms, intake forms, outcome measures and additional questionnaires are sent to your patients upon booking. Your patients then fill out these forms digitally from their secure patient portal.

For even more customization, you can choose when these automated questionnaires are sent by adding them to consult settingsPelvic questionnaires and outcome measures on Embodia

The following is a sample of the many pelvic health questionnaires are available on Embodia, and you can always create your own.

Pelvic health questionnaires on Embodia

You can see the complete list of pre-built questionnaires available on Embodia in the help article, What questionnaire and outcome measure templates are available

If you prefer to create your own questionnaires and forms, you can easily do this on Embodia. You can learn more about this feature in the help article, Creating questionnaires from scratch.

3. Digital bladder & fibre diary

A very important part of pelvic practices is bladder and fibre diaries. Embodia's digital bladder and fibre diaries are just like the paper versions, except patients don't need to carry around a piece of paper with them, and you don't have to collect those papers! Everything is done digitally.

Learn more about this feature in the help article, bladder and fibre diary.

Bladder and fibre diaries on Embodia4. Custom diaries such as a sleep diary, or any diary you desire

We know that health and well-being are holistic. Sometimes you want to share a different type of diary, like a sleep or nutrition diary. On Embodia, any diary you wish for is our command! You can easily make any diary digital and share it with your patients with Embodia's diary questionnaires feature

Digital diary questionnaires on Embodia

5. Pelvic HEP 

Embodia has a ton of pelvic home exercise videos including content from educators such as Pelvic Health Solutions. You can easily view and search through this content, set custom or default instructions to save time, and easily share the content with your patients. You can also set specific parameters for each exercise including the sets, repetitions, resistance and hold - you can even indicate the hold in breaths (as well as seconds and minutes) if you like!

Patients are notified via email that you've shared an exercise program with them. Once they click on their secure link, they are taken to their patient portal to view and complete the exercise. 

Patients can also view and complete the exercise using the Embodia web app in their browser from any device or download the mobile app, to complete their HEP from their mobile device and take advantage of the push notifications (reminders).

Home exercises can also be added to a template and shared alongside pelvic education (more on this in the next point).

Pelvic home exercise programs on Embodia

6. Pelvic education

Research shows that 40-80% of the medical information provided by healthcare practitioners is forgotten immediately (Kessels, 2003), therefore we need to consider the amount of information each individual is interested in hearing, their learning style, and other ways we can support their educational needs. A great way to still get crucial knowledge out to your patients is by sharing education, which can then be viewed between their sessions with you! Saving you time and improving the patient experience.

Embodia comes pre-loaded with easily shareable education, such as The Female Pelvic Floor handout from Pelvic Health Solutions, or you can create your own.Pelvic education on Embodia

You can also bundle your exercises and education into templates - groupings of exercises and/or education that can be shared with a patient in just a few clicks. If you prescribe the same group of exercises and education over and over, they are great candidates to be turned into a template.

Exercise and education templates on Embodia

7. Monitor progress

Are your patients getting better? Are they doing their exercises? Are they even logging into the app?

For any exercise program you've shared with your patients, you can easily track their adherence, and symptom level on Embodia.  

You can also view and respond to notes your patients leave on exercises or share words of encouragement using Embodia's secure two-way messaging. 

Monitor patient progress on Embodia

8. Create and upload your own content & record patients 

Have some exercises and education that you love? You can easily upload them onto Embodia and prescribe them to your patients! 

Create your own exercises and education on EmbodiaYou can also record your patients in session performing their exercises and share the exercise with them!

Video tutorial: Record a patient doing an exercise

9. Pelvic health courses 

Embodia Academy offers pelvic health practitioners a ton of pelvic health courses (and courses across every area of practice as well). Members also get exclusive discounts on premium courses (10-100% off select courses each month) and access to the member course library (150+ with 2 new courses added each month). 

Pelvic health courses on Embodia Academy10. Patient portal 

And last but not least, the handy-dandy patient portal. Patients have access to a secure dashboard with all of the tools you share with them at their fingertips. 

Embodia patient portal


Want to learn more?

Here are some tools to answer your questions:


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Last update: 21 February 2024
Date published: 5 July 2024

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