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Telerehabilitation on Embodia

8 tips to keep in mind when running virtual consults:

Running virtual consults, especially when just starting out, can result in an unexpected snag here and there. These 8 tips will help you eliminate unexpected surprises and make sure that you are virtual consult-ready!

  1. Use strong Wifi or an ethernet cable (you can easily check your internet speed on Google here).

  2. Close unused programs.

  3. Make sure your camera is at eye level. If you're on a laptop put it on some books or a box. This way, your patients can look at you at eye level.

  4. Clean and declutter your background environment to maintain professionalism.

  5. Restart your computer if you've been running a lot of windows concurrently.

  6. Update to the latest browser version of Chrome, Safari, or your browser of choice.

  7. If you will be using Zoom for Healthcare, download the Zoom software in advance and keep it updated. Here's a helpful article from Zoom about system requirements for PC, Mac, and Linux.

  8. Finally, do a test run! Add yourself, your partner, your child, or someone else that you are close with as a patient to go through the process and work out any kinks before you have your first virtual clinical visit.
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